You walk down a street. People crowd along it, yet the only sound is that of feet pattering over the pavement. Store windows broken, everything inside ravaged. Humans laying on the ground, groaning in agony, bloodied.
Is this the result of war?
Is it a third world country?
What is it then?
Take a moment to think about all the hype being made over trying to find something that will make everyone young forever. What are some things you've heard?
"No one will have to die."
"We'll all live in peace."
"It's the answer to curing all diseases."
Is it really?
Now think about the consequences of such a life:
~Over-population due to no deaths
~Perpetual starvation due to lack of enough food for the ever-growing population.
~not enough freshwater to supply everyone; only 3% of earth's water is fresh.
An eternity of being within a perpetual state of death, without dying.
Maybe even resorting to cannibalization, just to relieve the feeling of utter hunger.
Earth was not created to support immortals. Whether we like it or not, death is ingrained in our world.
Is an imperfect eternity on earth better than a perfect eternity with our God, the creator of all things?
My answer is no, and I hope yours is too.