The colorful pile of fabric begins to billow as the propane torch roars out a tongue of hair-singeing flame.
It slowly rises like a giant from its sleep, standing and stretching out, occasionally yawning.
Then, with a burst of energy, it pushes off the ground and throws itself to the mercy of the wind.
Ah, what a beautiful sight indeed! Every color of the rainbow spread out over a large field, gently rising above it all, quite literally.
How is Pittsfield's balloon really different from any other, though?
The people.
At a huge balloon fest like Albuquerque, There are so many people and just too much stress.
At a small fest like Pittsfield, though, there are smaller crowds, less stress, and therefore the balloonists can interact more. You can walk up to them and ask, "So how does it work?" And they will show you every knob, screw, and handle in the basket.
I could fly my own balloon.
It's a light, fun, and family friendly weekend (the first full weekend in August, FYI) and features a small Carnival, food vendors, a craft show, and, of course, the balloons, featuring such ones as 'Amazing Grace', 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds', 'Oaxaca', 'Celtic Magic', 'Peanuts 4 Ever', 'Blaser', 'Wild Ride', 'Sparkles', and many more. The most impressive balloon this year, however, is 'Scorch'.
It is a dragon shaped balloon and stands at 145 feet, more than twice the height of a standard balloon, which is usually 70 feet.
The balloonist's info can be found here:
Do check out this balloon rally; a fun experience for the whole family!